Ontario Veterinary College: Celebrating 150 years of excellence in education

OVC Historical

The year was 1862. The major event in the news, at least on this side of the Atlantic, was the American Civil War. South of the border, it continued to rage. Several major battles were fought and in September, President Abraham Lincoln announced the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. In British Columbia, a smallpox epidemic ravaged the First Nations people. Ultimately, it would wipe out about one-third of the native population. The rest of British North America was becoming very concerned that eventually the United States would again try to take over all of North America. These worries were primarily responsible for the act that led to the creation of the Dominion of Canada, five years later.

alumni-OVC building

In a somewhat less profound moment than some of those mentioned above, in that same year, in Toronto, Andrew Smith gave a series of lectures on ‘the veterinary art’. Continue reading